JoeRess Podcast #8

Snowden, NSA surveillance and privacy.


What I’ve been up to

I’ve done two episodes of Linux Luddites and two episodes of mintCast.


Chat with listener Isaac Carter

We spoke about the Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour and its implications for government surveillance and privacy. We meandered all over the place and ultimately felt quite pessimistic by the end of the conversation. Interesting nonetheless I thought and I hope to chat to Isaac again soon.



Thanks to Leigh, Jason Connerly and Mr Sterling for getting in touch.


If you want to get in contact, you can email me at JoeRessPodcast at Gmail.


Speak soon.

JoeRess Podcast #7


Linux podcast supergroup spectacular!

Subscribe to the Podcast Rss feed.


What I’ve been up to

Recording a shouty chat with Scott Newlon (mintCast), jesse (Linux Luddites) and Matt Copperwaite  (The Dick Turpin Road Show) at the meet up in the pub last week. Thanks a lot to everyone who came. It was a great night.

I’ve also done a mintCast and a Linux Luddites.



Thanks to Karl, Aaron, Martin, Scramblo and Leigh for getting in touch.


If you want to get in contact, you can email me at JoeRessPodcast at Gmail.

Speak soon.

JoeRess Podcast #5


Subscribe to the Podcast Rss feed.


What I’ve been up to

Went to the pub with Jono, Aq and Jordan Keyes.

Recorded an episode of mintCast about keyboard shortcuts (which I forgot to mention).

Recorded and put out a bit of a tough Linux Luddites episode.

Bought a second hand Chromebook.

Helped to organise my first (very small) Linux event.


Interview with Matt Copperwaite

Developer, podcaster and trustee of South London Makerspace.

His G+ and Twitter pages. His podcast is called The Dick Turpin Roadshow.



Thanks to John O’Brien, Clyde, David Harvey, Rufus, Stephen Ward and Alpha Bravo for getting in touch.



If you want to get in contact, you can email me at JoeRessPodcast at Gmail.

Speak soon.

London UK Linux/podcaster meet up – Thursday Feb 26th at the Mulberry Bush pub (near Waterloo station)

London UK Linux/podcaster meet up – Thursday Feb 26th at the Mulberry Bush pub near Waterloo station from 6pm

In celebration of Scott’s visit to the UK, we have decided to organise a meet up. Confirmed attendees so far are Scott Newlon (mintCast), me (mintCast/Linux Luddites), jesse (Linux Luddites), Matthew Copperwaite  (The Dick Turpin Road Show) and Alan Pope (Ubuntu Podcast)

The plan is to have a relaxed and informal evening of drinks and conversation. We’ve reserved a booth with a table that should be perfect in a really nice pub on the South Bank, a few minutes from Waterloo Station. Everyone is welcome so please spread the word!

Directions to the Mulberry Bush

Leave Waterloo via the original main entrance in order to head towards the South Bank.  The main entrance is found by turning left after coming through any of the ticket barriers, and is at the far end of the concourse beyond platform 18, on the right next to the lost luggage.  Head through the glass doors and down the stone steps, if you find yourself on a bridge you’ve gone the wrong way, come back and look on your left for the glass doors.

Once down the steps head to your left, cross some zebra crossings and generally follow what is likely to be the main crowd towards the traffic lights to cross York Road.  The aim is to stroll along Sutton Walk, the pedestrian walkway under the blue lattice bridge, towards the South Bank.  Once under the bridge continue straight towards the Royal Festival Hall and you will shortly reach a T-junction with Belvedere road before you actually get to the hall.

Turn right and walk along that road – this is the home straight, except it’s the longest section of the trip!  I’m afraid this part isn’t much to look at, you’ll pass the National Theatre, IBM and ITV and just when you think you’ve gone wrong, the Mulberry Bush will appear on your right hand side.

The route looks like this

The pub looks like this

To find the booth that we have reserved, walk to the end of the bar and look to your left.

Hopefully see you there!

JoeRess Podcast #4


Subscribe to the Podcast Rss feed.

It’s been 2 weeks but I’ve finally done other show.


What I’ve been up to
Recorded an episode of mintCast about running Android on a PC. Recorded a fairly varied episode of Linux Luddites. Finished the new Knievel Dead album.


The show should now hopefully be on iTunes.

I bought a Raspberry Pi 2.

I went to a GLLUG meeting where the topic of diversity came up. I spoke a bit about that on the show.


I also asked “am I too negative?”



Thanks to Donald, Gareth, Steve, Leigh, David, Steven Rosenberg, Will, Rich, Popey and Bill_MI for getting in touch. Bill mentioned the StarTalk Podcast.



If you want to get in contact, you can email me at JoeRessPodcast at Gmail.

Speak soon.